We apologize for not updating the blog for a while. The past six weeks have been quite hectic and stressful - but exciting. Henry experienced so many milestones this holiday season it has been hard for us to keep up!
Henry got to meet some of his new relatives at his first Thanksgiving! It was a long day for him - but only one wardrobe change! We had really only packed to go to doctors visits before, so packing for an afternoon outing was a new concept. It seems we are destined to forever forget spit rags.
The three of us greeted the season by all coming down with a cold, right after Thanksgiving. Henry had gotten some sniffles before, but this was the first cold that really had us worried that it could get worse, mainly because of how hard it hit me! Luckily, it was nothing more than a head cold and never settled into Henry's chest, so we got to avoid breathing treatments - and the hospital. In fact, on the first weekend in December, we celebrated the fact that Henry had spent more nights at home than in the hospital! We look back now at those five and a half months, and the details get harder and harder to remember, fading like a bad dream. He is doing so well that we have officially signed off from home health care! It will be somewhat scary not getting frequent checkups, but everyone agreed Henry is doing well enough that the regular visits are no longer necessary.
With it being cold and flu season, we have been advised to keep Henry out of public places, and to wait until spring before thinking about putting him in daycare. Although we didn't take him out much anyway, it has given us some serious cabin fever. Thankfully, we were given the okay to visit family during the holidays, as long as everyone was healthy.
Christmas weekend was long, exhausting, and wonderful. We visited Paige's family in Tonganoxie on Christmas Eve, the first Christmas for Henry and his cousin, Gunner.
Christmas morning was relaxing and comfy in our pajamas. The plan was to let Henry sleep as long as he wanted - but Paige was too excited and just had to get us all up! We spent the afternoon at my aunt and uncle's in Topeka. Henry's second cousins were there - four little girls between the ages of two and four. These were the first little kids Henry has ever met - close to his size, but walking, talking, and playing with him - and he had a ball! Saturday, we saw the rest of my family and how much his other second cousins were growing.
Throughout December, Henry has continued to grow bigger and stronger. He has learned that when we lay him down (to change a diaper, for example) he can actually turn himself over and crawl away. What fun! Not content to just be mobile, he enjoys pulling himself up on any and everything. He is now sidling along the couch between Paige and I. His first independent steps are coming very soon!
And then, as if that wasn't enough excitement, our little boy turned one. We had a small gathering of friends and family to help us celebrate, and although Henry was not very impressed with his cupcake, he had a wonderful day. I am sure that he is expecting yet another party and more wrapping paper this coming weekend.
And after all, why not. Today marks the first anniversary of Henry's Norwood procedure. A year ago, Paige and I were so stunned that he decided to show up three weeks early, we didn't have much time to think about the magnitude of what was happening or to think about where we were heading. Considering what was going on, that's probably for the best. If we had stopped to think about what was to come, I don't think either of us would have dreamed to be in a better place than we are now. The first six months were a roller coaster, with some serious drops, but these past six have been like a rocket.
Happy Holidays! Happy New Year! Happy Birthday, Henry! We cannot wait to see what this next year will bring!