Happy New Year, everyone, and Happy 2nd Birthday, Henry!
The past two months have been quick and exhausting for all of us. As I look back, I see that we failed to give an update after Henry's ear tube surgery. Needless to say, it went well - we were home in time for lunch that day. Back at school the next day, Henry promptly caught a bug of some kind and wound up coming home and only going to day care on Veteran's Day that week. It's likely he was battling the croup, or something like it. It was probably about two weeks before he was back to acting like his normal self - but his ears were definitely not the issue!
For the next several weeks, from Thanksgiving through mid-December, we were all passing around the same bug, which eventually settled into bronchitis for Paige and I. Luckily, other than a nagging cough, Henry's been doing just fine - although he clearly needs to learn how to spit! We think that the Synagist shot has helped him, as we know RSV is one of the bugs that has passed through his classroom, and would explain why Paige and I had it a little rougher than he did.

Just before Thanksgiving, Henry sat through his best haircut yet, and was rewarded with a surprise introduction to Baby Jay!
A couple of weeks before Christmas, we did take Henry to meet one of Santa's helpers, but he wasn't quite sure what he thought about that.

New Year's was pretty quiet around here, as I think Paige and I were finally wearing out. We had a fun day out, just the three of us for Henry's birthday, including a hot fudge brownie with ice cream. Hopefully everyone is doing well next weekend for Henry's birthday party.
With two long holiday weekends back-to-back, we have spent more actual interactive time with Henry than we had in a long time, and he continues to amaze us. He is learning so much so quickly right now, and he is starting to use words and sentences almost overnight. This weekend he showed he can copy our words ("cookie" was the word of the day), so it's probably time for us to start paying closer attention to what we are saying! It is clear we are entering our third year, as we have noticed a bit more stubbornness and some minor tantrums. So far, Henry is clearly winning, as we are having a really hard time disciplining him with a straight face once he smiles back at us!

The trials of 2015 feel like so long ago now. Looking back, it is probably for the best that Paige and I were first-time parents. It is hard to imagine going through all of that, now that we have actually seen his personality. We don't yet know what challenges await us in 2017. We may have a better idea in a couple of months about when his Fontan surgery will be. That is going to be a completely different experience, but having seen how well he is growing and how strong he is now, I know we will be ready.