Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Another good appointment

We had our first visit with Henry’s cardiologist since surgery. We last saw her a month before his surgery. Before our visit, we did lab work and an x-ray. The lab work showed that Henry’s sodium level was normal, so we got the clear to stop the extra salt! We also have been able to drop one of the diuretics from three times a day to twice a day. The final good news is we can let Henry drink up to 30 ounces of water! This helps significantly since before, Henry really only drank water and milk. And it is also hot out, and we haven’t liked being out too long since we couldn’t guve Henry muh water. The low fat diet was also stopped last Friday. We haven’t let Henry go overboard, but he did make a meal of chips, salsa, and cheese dip Saturday night. We are also getting closer to his weight before surgery!

We head to the local hospital tomorrow to check on his blood thinner levels. Overall, the twice a day shots are becoming more tolerable, but Henry will have good and bad days with them. Please keep him in your prayers that we will be able to discontinue this in September and go back to aspirin.

We had a good 4th of July! Henry, at least at this point, is no longer scared of the noise. I tried my luck with using the spinning toothbrush on him, and he is now using his spinning Marshall toothbrush! We see the dentist next month.

We head back up Friday for another round of labs and xray. Hopefully that will be our last visit up to Children’s for awhile, as we will be back up in five weeks to meet with Henry’s cardiologist again.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy 4th!

Just a small update to wish everyone a happy 4th!

Henry continues to do well each day. The twice a day shots keep improving as well. We had one day a couple of days ago where Henry fought both of us. To help, we are doing a weekly sticker chart and letting Henry decide where he would like to sit to do the shot. Henry gets to pick out a prize each week after filling out the sticker chart.

We head back to Children’s Mercy on the 9th. This is to visit with his cardiologist as well as check on Henry’s recovery process. If all goes well, hopefully we can remove or change the frequency on the remaining diuretics he is still on.

Have a happy and safe 4th!