Friday, January 2, 2015

D Day

Paige was a Rockstar yesterday. After I kept her out until nearly 1am on NYE, she woke me up at a quarter after 4 saying her water might be leaking. As she called the hospital to ask questions, I had to quickly pack my bag (she had been packed for about a week). She finally decided she would feel best if we went to the hospital and we left a little past 5. I told her I would drive my normal speed, unless she needed me to go faster, and she agreed. A few miles outside of Topeka, I asked her if she had felt any contractions, and she said she wasn't sure if they were real or Braxton-Hicks. Then I found out she had downloaded an app to track them, and they were about seven minutes apart. So here she is, laying in the backseat of my car, having contractions, and not even making a sound! By the time we got to the hospital and they checked her, she was 4cm dilated and 100% effaced; so, yes, this was baby day! Luckily, Paige's parents, sister and her sister's family were able to make it up to Kansas City in time to see her in labor (and after the epidural!) I say lucky, because she was not in labor for long. When the nurse came in to see how Paige was doing, she looked surprised and said, "Oh, there's his head!" The family left, the doctor came in, and 15 minutes later Henry joined us! She has been doing great since; tired and sore, but calm, alert and engaged. Thank you all, for your love, help and continued support - from Jason, Paige and Henry!

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