Friday, March 6, 2015

Another week

I woke up this morning realizing we haven't updated the blog in a week. So here is an update!

Last weekend, Henry lost a little weight, but never went below the magical 3.5 kilograms that he had hit a few times but could never seem to stay above. There was some discussion on if the milrinone  needed a carrier (IV fluid) and finally it was decided that yes, he did, to help prevent his PICC line being clogged up. Well Monday I showed up and the staff was treating his PICC line for a blood clot. Thankfully he only needed one dosage of an anti-clotting agent.

One of Henry's fabulous nurses organized his stuff for us! We had been just throwing stuff under his crib and by the window. Apparently we could have been using the empty closet. She used the many containers we have accumulated and labeled them for us. I had some small tears, as it made it feel more like we were home.

On Tuesday Henry received his two month vaccinations. The poor little guy received three shots. He had two nurses that day, so they did two shots at once then did the third quickly after. Not a happy camper after that, but who would be? He had a lovely neon orange and pink band aids put on his thighs. 

Wednesday was a little test for Jason and myself. I came back Tuesday night so that I could drive up to Lawrence the next day for a training conference. My mom went to the hospital and spent the day with Henry. Henry was a little less himself, as his shots had very much whipped him out. He had blood work done and it all came back good!

(Me with Henry after being gone a full day)

Thursday Henry had his weekly echocardiogram. He did very well and slept through most of it, so we didn't need to sedate him. The PICU fellow thought the results looked good but wanted a pediatric cardiologist to give their final opinion. The cardiologist thought the echo looked the same, if anything, slightly better.

Finally, some of you may know I was running about a 5K a month prior to Henry entering my world. I stopped last year when I sprained my ankle, and then, well, I was pregnant and having morning sickness and my energy was just zapped. Anyways, there is going to be a 5k in May that the proceeds will benefit chdfamilies, a non for profit organization that helps congenital heart defect families at Children's Mercy Hospital. They provide care packages and also have a summer camp for the heart defect kids. I have created a team for Henry! It is Henry's Heart. The race is in KC, and you can walk, run a 5K, a 10K, and for those who can't join us you can do the race virtually! Here is the link

Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, love and support! I personally will admit I did not have a good weekend after hearing the news that Henry will need to stay, but I am doing much better and have appreciated everyone's support! (And so does Henry!)


  1. Thinking about you guys today! I'm thankful for the update :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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