Saturday, June 25, 2016

Summer Fun

Well it has been quite a busy couple of months for us, with a lot of exciting changes!

Mother's Day weekend was a difficult one again. Instead of being in the ICU, I spent all weekend holding and taking care of a very sick Henry. On the next Monday, he was finally diagnosed with hand, foot, and mouth disease, as well as a double ear infection. We had been warned that viruses would be rough on him, and the doctors weren't wrong on that. He was very tired, and ran a pretty good fever for several days, and it took over a week for him to get back to his normal self, but he was never so bad that he needed to be hospitalized. Since then, Henry has battled an ear infection off and on. Hopefully, the last round of treatment we just finished will do the trick.

Henry has been enjoying his time at daycare. 
In the summer, they get to have "Splash Days" on Fridays, which are his favorite! A few weeks ago, they did school pictures at daycare, and Henry is such a ham!

On June 2nd, I arrived at daycare to pick up Henry and his teacher put him down and said, "Show mommy what you've been doing today!" It was the first time I saw Henry walking on his own! I started bawling and called Jason on our way home. Over the last three weeks, he has gotten faster and faster; additional baby gates have been installed. He is pretty proud of himself too. The TARC Tiny-K program informed us that Henry has met all of the goals we made for him last year. We will be writing up a new plan for items to work on.

Our last exciting news came this week. At Thursday's special care clinic visit, we removed Henry's G-tube! Not only had he achieved his weight gain goal for the past two months, he nearly tripled it! Henry has been healing well, and we are hopeful we will not need surgery to close it up.

Thank you everyone for your continued support, thoughts and prayers.

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