Surgery is first thing Monday morning, just before 8:00 am. The procedure itself shouldn't take even half an hour, but because he is a toddler, he will need to be on general anesthesia. Because of his heart condition, this means we will be at CMH, under the care of the cardiac anesthesia team. We met with one of their nurses practitioners on Friday, and it helped us to understand what they do and what they prepare for. Henry has generally done well under anesthesia before, and our cardiologist thinks he'll do just fine. That meeting on Friday did help us feel better. All goes fine, and we will be home Monday, maybe even by lunch!
On a happier note, Henry had a good Halloween! The little man dressed up as a doctor, and had fun at his day care's trunk or treat as well as our neighborhood parade.

As winter is coming, so too is flu season. Henry will be receiving the Synagist shot (RSV) again this year. Henry will be in daycare this year during cold and flu season, but we will still likely start pulling back on some of the activities we have been doing. All three of us have gotten our flu shots, and we would love to encourage all of you to do the same!
Way to go Henry! We 3 have our flu shots, too and are preparing for RSV season and Synagist shots. So happy to hear the ear tube surgery went well and you were able to go home so early yesterday! Hope you have a safe and sniffle free winter!