Henry did great. They did not need to do any interventions (ballooning, placing a stent, and/or coil off any collaterals), which allowed for us to go home the same day! It was a very long day, as we had to be up at Children's Mercy by 7:30 in the morning, and we were home after 5 that night.
Dr. Kaine, the cath lab doctor, thought Henry was in a good place, and would be a good candidate for the next open heart surgery. He and Henry's cardiologist, Dr. Goudar, would present Henry on Friday to the rest of the cardiology team to see if everyone agreed with them.
We got a phone call late Friday morning from Dr. Goudar that everything looked good, that the blood work they also did on Thursday looked good (they checked to see how some of Henry's other organs are doing), and that we will be getting a phone call in the next week or two to schedule the Fontan.
We will update everyone once we have a date, and hopefully the posts will become more frequent.
As for the tonsillitis, we will not need to worry about any more flare ups, as we had Henry's tonsils removed back in January. He did great in recovery, and took about 10 days to get close to his normal self. We had him return to daycare for half a day for his first day back, then took the rest of the weekend to get back to the swing of things.
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