Monday, July 6, 2015


Now that we are all home, we want to be able to share our joy with everyone, but we do have some rules. Some may be obvious, but it's better to outline

-For the first few months, visits will basically be "Invite Only" - please do not call or ask to come by. We are going to be selfish and keep him mostly to ourselves. We want this time to get used to having a baby at home, even more so a baby that will need extra care. 
-After this time, please reach out to either of us if you are interested in coming over - we would prefer no "Drop Ins".
-We ask that any visitor be illness free. If you - or anyone in your household - have not felt good in the previous 48 hours, we do not want you to come visit. It's not worth it, as Henry will have a hard time recovering from even a cold. This includes headaches.
-Please refrain from using tobacco products prior to visiting. 
-You will be asked to wash your hands prior to entering the room where Henry is at.
-Unfortunately if it's allergies you believe is the reason why you keep on sneezing, we still would rather you visit another day than risk the chance of it being a cold and exposing it to Henry 
-Please make sure you have a bandage or something similar around any cuts you may have
-We do ask that you and everyone in your household are reasonably up to date on your vaccinations.

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