Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Cath lab

Well, we had started on a post for Sunday, but then in the late afternoon we found some blood in Henry's diaper. At least this time we were already down in the PICU. The doctors agreed to see if it would happen again and agreed not to stop feedings. We changed two more poopy diapers with no blood, so we left the hospital late Sunday night. We made it through the night with no phone calls, and when we got to the hospital we were delighted to hear that he had no more blood in his stools, despite pooing with each feeding.

Henry was taken off of milrinone Saturday afternoon, and left on his cocktail of digoxin and enalpril all weekend, so he had a follow up echo scheduled for Monday morning. It was done before we even made it to the hospital around 8:00 am, and the nurse said Henry slept through the whole thing. During the doctors' rounds, they discussed that the results looked slightly worse and that we would have another echo on Thursday to see how his heart is doing.

Monday afternoon did bring some good news as we received professional confirmation just how adorable Henry is. We returned to lunch to find a photographer hired by CMH in Henry's room, and we were asked to sign a release so they could use his picture in promotional and internal materials. Apparently, a nurse was asked for a cute baby to photograph, and she led them to Henry! Once we get copies of those pictures, we will definitely share them! Amateur pictures will have to do for now.

Well, this morning during the cardiologists' twice-weekly departmental meeting, they determined that Henry should go to the cath lab so that the doctors can see more clearly how his heart is functioning and not wait to see if his heart gets any worse. He will visit the cath lab first thing Wednesday morning. It's difficult to say what, specifically, they are looking for or might find, and so there are a number of things that could or could not be done. for now, we are going to try and have a quiet evening. We thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers during this time.


  1. You guys will and always have my deepest thoughts and prayers. Love you!

  2. You guys will and always have my deepest thoughts and prayers. Love you!

  3. Praying! Update after his cardiac cath is complete today. Please let Andrew or myself know if we can assist you guys or Henry, in any capacity, while you are still in the hospital. Henry is a fighter!
